International Lactation Consultant Association LiquidGoldConcept Exhibitor Display 2017

The LiquidGoldConcept Historical Archive

LiquidGoldConcept, Inc. (2014-2021) was a company that manufactured and sold simulation-based learning solutions in clinical lactation for health professionals and parents around the world.

The LiquidGoldConcept Team, Partners, Collaborators


LiquidGoldConcept was founded by four graduate students (Anna Sadovnikova CEO, Jeffrey Plott CTO, Samantha Koehler, and Ileisha Sanders) at the University of Michigan in 2014 with a passion for improving maternal and child health through increased breastfeeding support. While in medical school, Anna learned to perform clinical skills in simulated scenarios (i.e., with CPR dummies). It became apparent to Anna that there were no high-quality simulation solutions for breastfeeding when she became board-certified in clinical lactation. In 2016, Emily Bair and Sam Chuisano joined the team to prototype and commercialize the Lactation Simulation Model. Sam Chuisano stayed on through 2021 as the COO.

Our advisors and mentors (Lisa Hammer, Jeanne Tayler, Leith Greenslade, and George Walls) provided valuable input. Over the years, the LiquidGoldConcept team was lucky to work with hundreds of undergraduate and graduate student interns and dozens of valuable employees and subcontractors. We had global distribution partnerships with Po Box International SAS, Maternova, Civiam, PT Jaya Kelana Abadi Indonesia, Young Tah Instruments Co., Ltd., Merkim Ltd Co.,and Educientec – Education and research collaborations with the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of Nursing, Medical Center, and School of Public Health, University of California, Davis, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Tulane University School of Medicine, Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education.

Products and Services


LiquidGoldConcept developed and sold the world’s first realistic, wearable breastfeeding simulator, the Lactation Simulation Model (LSM) and the Breast Health Training Tool Collection (BHTT). LiquidGoldConcept received funding from the United States National Institutes of Health to develop and evaluate a Newborn Oral Assessment and Latch Simulator. In response to COVID-19, LiquidGoldConcept created Lactation Telesimulations where health professionals could engage over video call with standardized patients (actors) who used the LSM and NORALSim to play the role of pregnant and postpartum women experiencing a diversity of lactation problems. The Lactation Telesimulations were used by hundreds of aspiring and practicing lactation professionals worldwide, including 18 students in the Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program.

And now?

LiquidGoldConcept, Inc. ceased all business operations on December 31, 2021. For questions about the company’s history, products and services, and intellectual property/assets, please, reach out to Anna Sadovnikova via the contact form. LiquidGoldConcept products are not available for purchase.

High-fidelity simulation in clinical lactation

LiquidGoldConcept developed and sold the world’s only realistic breastfeeding, breast, and newborn simulators proven to improve clinical competence in lactation support.

LiquidGoldConcept Lactation Simulation Model

Essential and Advanced LSMs

Lactation Simulation Models (LSM)

  • The LSMs were a wearable breastfeeding simulator used for teaching hand expression breast milk, use of a breast pump, and breast massage techniques to alleviate common conditions such as engorgement and plugged ducts. The LSM was the only lifelike breastfeeding simulator that lactates, engorges, and had a diversity of lactation complications embedded within or illustrated on the skin, such as breast abscess and surgical scars. The LSM was also the only expert-validated breastfeeding simulator that has been proven to improve health professionals’ clinical competence and translation of lactation skills to patient care.

    One-page PDF overview

  • Features

    Hand expression of simulated colostrum from both breasts

    Engorgement of one or both breasts

    Large plugged ducts plugged duct in the Tail of Spence (L breast)

    Multiple plugged ducts deep to the areola (R breast)

    Round “deep latch” nipple (R breast)

    Pinched nipple with fissure (L breast)

    Early-stage mastitis (L breast)

  • Features

    Hand expression of simulated colostrum from both breasts

    Engorgement of one or both breasts

    Large plugged ducts plugged duct in the Tail of Spence (L breast)

    Multiple plugged ducts deep to the areola (R breast)

    Bulbous nipple with milk bleb (R breast)

    Flat, damaged nipple (L breast)

    Breast abscess (L breast)

    Axillary ectopic breast tissue (L breast)

    Breast augmentation scar (L breast)

    Breast reduction scar (R breast)

    Peripartum Montgomery glands (R breast)

    Inflamed Montgomery gland (R breast)

  • Watch Sam, the COO of LiquidGoldConcept, demonstrate the different features and capabilities of the 2018 LiquidGoldConcept Lactation Simulation Model (LSM). Discover the different ways that the LSM can be utilized for breast health and lactation education.

    Link to YouTube Video

Breast Health Training Tool Curriculum Preview Video

Breast Health Training Tool

Breast Health Training Tool (BHTT)

  • The BHTT was a kit consisting of 10 single silicone breast models that represent over 50 expert-validated clinical conditions. Health professional learners used the BHTT to learn how to identify common and uncommon skin, breast, and nipple-areolar conditions affecting pregnant, lactating, and perimenopausal individuals.

    Download one page overview here

  • Watch Sam, the COO of LiquidGoldConcept, walk through the various case scenarios demonstrated by the Breast Health Training Tool (BHTT). Explore different applications of this product alongside the Lactation Simulation Model for breast health and lactation education.

    Watch video in YouTube

Newborn Latching Simulator

Newborn Simulator (NORALSim)

  • The Newborn Oral Assessment and Latch Simulator (NORALSim) was intended to be a companion product for LiquidGoldConcept’s realistic breastfeeding simulator, the LSM. The NORALSim prototype developed as part of a NIH SBIR Phase I Award was a lifelike newborn simulator that moves and feels like an infant born at term. The NORALSim and LSM were used by standardized patients in the LiquidGoldConcept On-Demand Telesimulation program

  • Introducing the LiquidGoldConcept NORALSim - the world's first latching simulator for teaching newborn positioning and attachment.

    Watch video in YouTube

A best practice solution for online learning in clinical lactation

LiquidGoldConcept revolutionized how health professionals acquire and confirm competence in clinical lactation.

Lactation Telesimulations with standardized patients

Health professionals could engage in live clinical practice over video call with standardized patients (actors) who we trained to portray pregnant and postpartum women with different concerns, from breast pain to postpartum depression


Lactation Telesimulation

  • The LiquidGoldConcept On-Demand Telesimulation program (telesimulation) was a live, interactive online training program for health professionals in maternal-child care. The On-Demand Telesimulation program was the only turnkey solution that supports scheduling of video calls by individuals or small groups of learners at any time with racially/ethnically diverse standardized patients (SP). LiquidGoldConcept SPs were trained to portray pregnant and lactating women with a variety of clinical conditions, from postpartum depression to nipple trauma. The SPs wore the LSM in a skin tone that matched their own and held the NORALSim during the telesimulation.

    The Long Term Provider Number for LiquidGoldConcept, Inc. is CLT122-01.

  • The Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program was created to address common challenges encountered by those seeking their IBCLC credential:

    Finding an IBCLC mentor is challenge #1 for any aspiring IBCLC. This has created a lack of access to the profession and as a result mothers, parents, and infants often have inadequate access to the professional assistance they need.

    Even more challenging, is finding a diverse group of IBCLC mentors to learn from. Lack of diversity can result in biased training experiences from a single IBCLC who may not always be practicing in the most evidence-based way.

    It is extremely difficult to get exposure to diverse patient settings and situations. Because of this, IBCLC candidates are often left feeling poorly prepared to support dyads.

    What was included in this program:

    103 hours of clinically-rigorous training through telesimulations with standardized patients, independent study modules, and group discussions (Lactation Education + Communication Hours) over 4 months.

    Mentorship from diverse IBCLCs with two virtual face-to-face interactions per month & unlimited text-based support for the supervision of each student’s independent lactation practice for 12 months. The IBCLC mentor will supervise the student’s existing or planned consults with pregnant, breast/chestfeeding, and lactating families.

    A global network of peers seeking their IBCLC crediential and practicing IBCLCs forming the Alumni Success program

    Certification as an Advanced Lactation Specialist (cALS)

    The 18 student cohort will complete their training with Anna Sadovnikova in December 2022.

  • Maternal mental health and oversupply

    Learning Objectives:

    Obtain a pregnancy, peripartum, and breastfeeding history from the patient

    Obtain the infant’s medical history from the patient

    Communicate the potential negative health consequences of breast milk oversupply to the patient

    Communicate a concise management strategy for breast milk oversupply

    Screen the patient for clinical signs of maternal perinatal mood and anxiety disorder

    Provide recommendations for a breastfeeding patient with perinatal mood and anxiety disorder

    Patient Information:

    A 28 year old G1P1 who is 2 months postpartum calls the office because she is experiencing bilateral nipple pain. The baby was discharged on hospital day 7 and the mother was given instructions to triple feed. The patient has been following these instructions. She has been able to save about 450 ounces in the freezer for when she goes back to work. The infant is now 2 months old and weighs 12 lbs. The patient expresses frustration that he is still so far away from the 100th percentile."

Students in the Global Mentorship Program (2021-2022)

All students listed below were certified as Advanced Lactation Specialists (cALS) in December 2021.

  • Education

    CLEC, Certified Lactation Educator Counselor, University of California, San Diego


    Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan




    When Hareem became a mother, she realized the absolute dearth of any amount of breastfeeding support available in her country of Pakistan. Slowly the word got out that she was continuing. Despite the lack of support available to her, Hareem continued to breastfeed. Slowly, the word got out about her breastfeeding endeavors. Hareem started receiving support requests from other women seeking lactation assistance, which peaked at nearly 80 unique cases every day! That is when Hareem started her breastfeeding support Facebook group, which after just a year, has 22,500 members. Hareem started working towards qualification as a lactation consultant based on the obvious need for support and education. Currently, there is only one skilled breastfeeding professional practicing in the entire country.

    LactNation Website

    LactNation Facebook

    LactNation Instagram

    This Lahori Mom Website

    This Lahori Mom Instagram


    “I wish to become an IBCLC one so I can convince and train more people to get into this field. Help is very little, and the task at hand is much too large for us. My dream is to build a public health support system for breastfeeding that perpetually educates my community, society and eventually leads to changes in strategic policies.

    “In absence of any IBCLC mentors available for me where I am located, LiquidGoldConcept’s Pathway 3 Global Mentorship program helps open the possibility of actual support and realistic training by experienced individuals. This was previously was not even a remote possibility for me.”

  • Education

    Bachelors in Youth Ministry, Asbury University Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator Certified Perinatal Nutrition Educator Certified Car Seat Passenger Safety Technician


    Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA


    English, Conversational American Sign Language


    Renee has worked for five years as an executive director of a nonprofit that provides maternity services to lower socioeconomic families. Renee works with women of all backgrounds and experiences, primarily with adolescents, single parents, and victims of domestic abuse. Many of Renee’s clients find it challenging to access critical services that would provide them with much-needed support through their parenting journey. Skilled lactation support is needed within these communities and working with the nonprofit, Hope’s Embrace provides access to these services without the costly price tag or obstacles to care such as referrals or insurance companies.

    Hope’s Embrace Website

    Hope’s Embrace Instagram

    Hope’s Embrace Facebook


    “I selected LGC’s Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program to provide IBCLC access to my community quickly and efficiently. I looked into several programs and was drawn to the rigorous learning provided by LiquidGoldConcept and the ability to work with my own clientele so I can get the services into my community as soon as possible.”

  • Education

    BS, Communication Disorders and Deaf Education Attended CAPPA Lactation Education training


    Palm Springs, California, USA


    English, Conversational American Sign Language


    Every family deserves love, support, and knowledge to reach their feeding goals- however that may look. Madison is passionate about bringing lactation and feeding support to her community as they do not have a single IBCLC outside of the hospital within the area. With her degree in communication disorders, she has a significant interest in the role breastfeeding plays in supporting proper oral development and views addressing oral dysfunction early as a preventative measure for future health. Madison’s own personal challenges breastfeeding her boys helped her see where support was lacking and inspired her to become an IBCLC.

    “I chose the Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program for my clinical lactation training because it bridges the gap between education and hands-on experience with telesimulation to prepare for independent practice. The program covers a diverse number of topics and I am excited to feel confident in supporting every family wherever their feeding journey takes them.”

  • Education

    Bachelor of Science, Rhodes College Doctor of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center Pediatrics Residency Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Residency Program, University of Alabama at Birmingham


    Ridgeland, Mississippi, USA


    Leigh is a board certified pediatrician and neonatologist who practiced high-level NICU care in Mississippi’s tertiary care center. She worked closely with postpartum individuals to provide lactation support for their newborns in the nursery. Additionally, she supported families with babies in the NICU, where the nutritional and medicinal powers of breastmilk was essential to optimize health outcomes, emotional connection, and bonding of the dyad. Leigh transitioned into public health as the Child Health Medical Consultant at the Mississippi State Department of health after the birth of her third child. In this role, she also served as the Assistant Program Director and Neonatal Lead in the state-wide Mississippi Perinatal Quality Collaborative, which worked with birth hospitals throughout the state to improve maternal and infant health outcomes. Leigh is a lactation enthusiast with a deep desire to serve Mississippi as a certified lactation consultant and offer guidance for transition of the dyad into the perinatal period. She believes in a holistic approach to life and blends evidence-based medicine with nourishment of the mind, body, and heart in her practice. Her perinatal yoga offerings provide movement, education, and community to empower the transformation of pregnant and postpartum bodies to emerge into parenthood. Her fervent desire to pivot her focus and career into breastfeeding medicine was initially rooted in her own struggle and journey breastfeeding twin girls. Leigh’s connection to the medical world offered her opportunities for lactation support that was wrongfully not available for all dyads. It is essential to build an environment for breastfeeding success that offers timely and skilled perinatal lactation support to optimize the physical and emotional health of families and the larger community as a whole.

    Bloom and Grow Lactation Practice


    “With great anticipation and excitement, I chose the Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program without hesitation based on the professional caliber and quality of education and training offered. The team is deeply committed to comprehensive mentorship with a view that breastfeeding is a public health priority. It is an honor to receive an invitation into a program where clinical competence is achieved through a process of active learning, reflection, and finally growth into independent practice. All families deserve access to lactation consultants who have completed such comparable training. The Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program is at the forefront of innovation and creativity in its mission to overcome barriers, disparities, and lack of access to promote breastfeeding worldwide.”

  • Education

    BS, Construction Science, Texas A&M University


    Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, Canada


    Erin grew up in Texas but has lived in several countries during adulthood. Her hobbies include traveling, swimming, baking, and running, and is currently training to run the Boston Marathon this October. She is married with two children and loves exploring nature with her family when she is not working as a casting director in the film industry.


    “I am looking forward to learning from the knowledgeable team of instructors and the accessibility of online mentorship.”

  • Education

    BA, Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara RN, Santa Barbara City College, California


    Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands


    English, conversational Spanish


    Andrea is originally from California but currently lives in The Netherlands. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2003 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, she pursued a career in healthcare. She attended Santa Barbara City College and subsequently earned a Registered Nursing degree. As a California Board Certified Registered Nurse, she worked at both Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and at Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care of Santa Barbara. After over 10 years in the medical field, she relocated to the Netherlands where she has spent her time volunteering for numerous organizations and raising two children. Andrea is a founding member of the International School of Haarlem’s first Parents Committee. She also volunteered as the Playgroup Facilitator and Children’s Events Coordinator for “English Speaking Haarlem”, an ex-pat support group. In May of this year, Andrea founded the “New Mum’s Meet-Up” in Haarlem. Here she acts as the current Facilitator, providing support for new parents who live abroad and have been isolated from their friends and families due to the COVID pandemic. She has always had a strong bond with women, babies, and children, both personally and professionally. Working as an IBCLC in the Netherlands allows her to provide education and support to a global community of women.

    “The communication training students get in the virtual environment with the standardized patients is very important because it’s giving you an opportunity before you’re in front of a real patient to practice your communication and empathy skills with a human being in a safe space.

    “I think having interaction with a live person where you can make mistakes in the beginning and you can learn is incredibly important for the lactation consultant profession.”

  • Education

    PhD, Human Sexuality Studies: Sex Education, Widener University (Chester, PA) MEd, Human Sexuality, Widener University (Chester, PA) Baccalauréat és arts spécialisé approfondi en psychologie, Université d’Ottawa (Ottawa, ON)


    Welland, Ontario, Canada


    English, French, Intermediate Spanish


    While pursuing her doctoral degree, Ashton experienced two unexpected nursing challenges. She triple fed her first for 6 months, with the advice “keep trying, you’ll get it.” Later, she nursed her second child for 6 weeks, with a tongue tie release that didn’t improve transfer. After 2 weeks with an SNS, Ashton chose to exclusively pump until her second child was 9 months old. Ashton’s lactation consultants were amazing at offering advice at the breast, but she found that they had little advice for the exclusive pumper. Based on her personal experience, Ashton decided to become an IBCLC for 3 reasons:

    -to provide better exclusive pumping care to exclusive pumpers globally

    -to provide inclusive support for chestfeeding individuals to align with her background in human sexuality

    -to publish exclusive pumping peer-reviewed journal articles with an IBCLC credential.

    Pumped Love Lactation Website Pumped Love Lactation Instagram Pumped Love Lactation Facebook Exclusive Pumping Institute Website Exclusive Pumping Institute Instagram Exclusive Pumping Institute Facebook LinkedIn

    “I chose LiquidGoldConcept to help supervise my IBCLC Pathway 3 clinical hours because the nearest IBCLC placements for me are several hours out of town, and would take me years to accrue. I also love the concept of telesimulations as I imagine my practice to be mostly virtual, being that exclusive pumpers find the majority of their support virtually.”

  • Education

    BS, Biology, Virginia Tech DO, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Virginia Campus


    Bethesda, Maryland, USA


    Dr. Jessica Howard has been practicing primary care pediatrics since completing her residency in 2013. She is board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics. When she isn’t caring for the babies and children at the office or hospital, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and two young boys. Her interests also include yoga, running, Virginia Tech football, and a good glass of wine.

    Pediatric Associates – Montgomery County Website

    “When I learned about LiquidGoldConcept, it seemed to be the perfect fit. I already have exposure to many newborns and lactating mothers; all I need is guidance, education, and mentorship to be able to achieve an IBCLC certification. The ability to do this virtually will fit with my current practice and schedule perfectly.”

  • Dr. Shannon Ingwersen is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Originally from Melbourne, she is excited to be back in her hometown and to join the team at Hibiscus Women’s Center.

    Dr. Ingwersen enjoys building relationships with her patients and caring for them through some of the biggest changes and challenges in their lives. She is experienced in a full spectrum of OB/GYN procedures, including minimally invasive surgeries and provides compassionate care for a full range of women’s health conditions. She has special interests in breastfeeding medicine, adolescent care, contraception management, high-risk obstetrics and preventative women’s health.

    Dr. Ingwersen graduated from the University of South Florida College of Medicine in 2012, she then stayed in Tampa and completed residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2016. After graduation, she moved to the greater Denver area, but is happy to be back in Melbourne to continue caring for women and to raise her growing family.

  • Education

    Diploma in Digital Media, Singapore Polytechnic BA in Communication Studies, the University of Western Australia Diploma in Child Psychology, Centre of Excellence




    English, Mandarin


    During Eliza’s breastfeeding journey with her second child, she encountered several unexpected challenges such as both low and oversupply, and contracting mastitis 7 times within the first six months of her baby’s life. It was then when she first understood some of the various ups and downs of breastfeeding that many parents go through. Eliza believes that breastfeeding and lactation support in Singapore still have great potential to grow and become more readily available. An increasing number of mothers in Singapore exclusively breastfeed their babies and understand that breastfeeding is important, however there are many mothers that still struggle to navigate the challenges of breastfeeding (e.g. misinformation provided by professionals/caregivers who are not trained in lactation, the lack of awareness in regards to available resources such as breastfeeding workshops, balancing work demands, etc.). Driven with a passion to help mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals, she is pursuing her IBCLC certification and is currently studying to be an Advanced Lactation Specialist with LiquidGoldConcept.

    Tender Loving Milk Website

    Tender Loving Milk Instagram


    “I believe LiquidGoldConcept’s training to be both engaging and interactive. Additionally, the curriculum covers a diverse range of lactation situations and settings that can be challenging to come by in traditional training programs.”

  • Education

    AA, Philosophy, Douglas College AS, Biology, Douglas College Breastfeeding Course for Health Care Providers Certificate, Douglas College


    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


    English, Conversational Gaeilge


    Alex is a wife, mother, perinatal educator, and aspiring lactation consultant born and raised in Vancouver, BC. She studied philosophy, biology, and breastfeeding at Douglas College, and Anthropology and the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of British Columbia. This combination of research and experience has impressed upon Alex the reality that breastfeeding is more than mere biological function or personal choice. The experience and normalcy of childbirth and breastfeeding are shaped by our historical, cultural, and social landscapes. As such, Alex recognizes the need for promoting a culture of breastfeeding through practical, evidence-based, and judgment-free lactation support that treats women as capable, autonomous individuals. She hopes to provide women and support persons with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make the best decisions for their families and achieve their feeding goals.

    Little Tree Lactation & Doula Services Website

    “I chose LiquidGoldConcept because I knew I wanted to pursue Pathway 3 but was unsure where to find a mentor. Although I have already completed my required lactation-specific education, I am really looking forward to the telesimulations, and the experience and additional knowledge they will provide me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to study under such passionate, experienced, and educated mentors.”

  • Education

    MBBS, Deccan College of Medical and Health Sciences, India ND, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Canada


    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    English, Urdu, Hindi


    Ailya Patel is a non practicing – physician mother of 5 kids who chose to stay at home to raise them. She recently went back to school to pursue a degree in Naturopathic Medicine out of her curiosity for alternative medicine. When she’s not studying for exams she likes to sew and work with wood.


    “I started my IBCLC journey two years ago by completing 90 hours of lactation education through a centre in Toronto. It is also the only one of its kind offering mentorship through Pathway 3. Due to the current COVID situation I have been wait-listed since then for mentorship hours as they are unable to accept a large number of in-person students as they had once done before. When LiquidGoldConcept was presented to me I took the opportunity immediately, as it would be the best fit for me to complete the hours needed under the guidance of a mentor ”

  • Location

    Chicago, Illinois, USA


    As a breastfeeding mother, Angel became passionate about breastfeeding when she experienced feeding issues due to undiagnosed oral ties and food allergies with her first child. Her second child had similar issues. This began a journey to educate herself in order to help other mothers overcome similar issues. She believes there should be more breastfeeding education, that just because breastfeeding is natural, does not mean it’s always intuitive. And that everyone deserves access to breastfeeding support. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and has 3 beautiful children with her husband. The youngest of which was just born at the end of May 2021. She enjoys traveling, schooling her children and is passionate about all things breastfeeding, birth and parenting.

    “I chose LiquidGoldConcept because of their detail-oriented training, and their diverse group of IBCLC mentors. Through this program, they not only give you the education and knowledge needed but they also set you up for success by giving you all the tools needed to help parents succeed in their breastfeeding journeys.”

  • Education

    BS, Political Science and French, Trinity College MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Residency, Tulane-Ochsner Pediatrics, New Orleans, LA


    New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


    English, French


    Elizabeth is a board-certified pediatrician who practices Pediatric Hospital Medicine in New Orleans. She is also an elected member of the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee. When she is not at the hospital or participating in local politics, she enjoys spending time with her husband, three young children, and their Goldendoodle puppy. She discovered when she had her first baby that her medical education had included surprisingly little about breastfeeding. The knowledge she has gained from a dedicated community of women physicians who are committed to correcting this deficit in medicine has truly enhanced her practice as a pediatrician. Becoming an IBCLC will allow her to better support moms and their babies in achieving their breastfeeding goals.

    Ochsner Medical Center





    “I learned after stumbling upon LiquidGoldConcept somewhat by accident that several of its teachers are women pediatricians whom I consider to be heroes in the area of breastfeeding medicine. The program seems to me to be the closest I could get to completing a fellowship in this area. I appreciate the team-based approach, as well as the rigor the program provides.”

  • Education

    Bachelor’s degree, MA (Oxon) in English Language and Literature from University of Oxford

    Master of Science, MSc Social Work from University of Bristol


    London, England, UK


    Rosie’s worldview has been shaped by unique experiences such as studying feminist literature at Oxford University, receiving her MSc in Social Work, and adventuring all over the world while supporting vulnerable women, children, and families from London, UK, to the Middle East, Africa, and now the US. Over the past 12 years, she’s worked in women’s refuges, rape crisis centers, children’s social services, and anti-human trafficking charities. Most recently, Rosie helped lead and run parenting and breastfeeding peer support groups in London’s Kings Cross, Lewisham, and Brockley. It was here where she had the opportunity to train as an accredited breastfeeding peer supporter, and where she also witnessed firsthand the barriers to accessing high-quality breastfeeding support. This unique background has formed Rosie’s firm belief that breastfeeding has the power and potential to reduce socioeconomic and health disparities, heal traumas, and support maternal and infant health and wellbeing across communities, cultures, and continents.

    Milk Clinic Website

    Milk Clinic Instagram

    Milk Clinic Facebook


    “The Liquid Gold Concept Global Mentorship is so exciting – it provides the rich opportunity to learn from health professionals, mentors and peers all over the world, and share knowledge and insight from cross-cultural perspectives. I am particularly looking forward to practicing and developing clinical competence across a broad range of skills through the telesimulation cases.”

  • Education

    ALPP – Certified Lactation Counselor Bachelor of Science Nursing, Millersville University of Pennsylvania


    Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA


    English, French


    In her career as a Registered Nurse, Jean worked with premature babies in the NICU and saw first hand the special set of breastfeeding challenges faced by those families. After living abroad and having her own children, Jean realized just how many new moms struggled with breastfeeding and were not provided with research-backed information, even in the hospital. With that need in mind, Jean became certified in Lactation Counseling in order to open her own practice. Today she is pursuing an IBCLC to further develop clinical skills.

    Breastfeeding Aid Website


    “I chose the Pathway 3 Global Mentorship Program because of its outstanding clinical learning model. Its online concept is also compatible with my professional and personal schedule.”


Legacy and Impact

LiquidGoldConcept’s scholarly contribution to the field of lactation education

  • A pilot study to evaluate the effect of classroom-based high-fidelity simulation on midwifery students’ self-efficacy in clinical lactation and perceived translation of skills to the care of the breastfeeding mother-infant dyad

    Read in the Journal of Midwifery

  • The Efficacy of Hybrid Telesimulation with Standardized Patients in Teaching Medical Students Clinical Lactation Skills: A Pilot Study.

  • Development and evaluation of a high-fidelity lactation simulation model for health professional breastfeeding education

  • Midwifery students better approximate their self-efficacy in clinical lactation after reflecting in and on their performance in the LactSim OSCE

  • Flexible, Innovative Online Learning Content Development For Aspiring Lactation Experts

    View free clinical case scenarios on the Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health website

  • Development of Team Behavior Skills and Clinical Lactation Competence Among Medical Students Engaging in Telesimulations with Standardized Patients

  • Virtual Experiential Learning: A Description of an Internship Framework That Engages Students to Build Public Health Competencies

  • Features and Educational Content Related to Milk Production in Breastfeeding Apps: Content Analysis Informed by Social Cognitive Theory

    Read in the Journal of Medical and Internet Research Parenting and Pediatrics

  • Assessing Application-Based Breastfeeding Education for Physicians and Nurses: A Scoping Review

  • Breastfeeding Education in the Time of COVID-19. Hybrid Telesimulation With Standardized Patients for Pediatric and Family Medicine Trainees, a Randomized Trial

  • An Application of Kane's Validity Framework to Evaluate Formative and Summative Assessment Instruments for Telesimulations in Clinical Lactation

  • Development and evaluation of a high-fidelity newborn simulator for breastfeeding education of health professionals

    View project information on NIH NICHD SBIR Phase I site

  • Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Simulation Based Breastfeeding Education Course for Health Care Professionals

  • A Delphi-Style Evaluation of a Skin Assessment Simulation Using Clinical Vignettes and a Breast Health Training Tool

    Read the full paper in the Simulation in Healthcare Journal


Free clinical lactation scenarios

From antenatal hand expression to management of infectious mastitis, the LiquidGoldConcept Lactation Simulation Model was used to teach a diversity of clinical skills. Click on the videos below to view the free case scenarios in our YouTube channel.


Breast massage techniques for management of postpartum breast engorgement

How to perform a perinatal breast assessment


Contributions to Science


Clinical Lactation Practice